Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I always thought people come to me for solutions to their problems, because they thought that I am brilliant at finding one.

But I realized that many a times people just want me to listen to them. They are actually more concerned about having someone to care for them and spend time with them, then so solve their problems for them.

There are also people who already have their own solutions in mind, but just needed reassurances; people who needed more of emotional support then practical ones.

I would say that I am fairly competent at finding solutions to many of the problems we face in life, but I always try my best not to share my solutions with those who seek it.

Every time we encounter a problem, it is often we who has the most information about the problem. And all these information about the problem, if organized, analyzed and given some thought, will actually turn out to become the solution.

So why give people an answer or a solution when they themselves already have one? Which is why I believe in helping people to find their own solutions instead of looking up to me to give them one.

From my experiences, giving a solution to someone is a lot easier and definitely less time consuming then helping someone find their own or even at times, just listen to their unproductive ramblings or complaints.

But I don't mind spending a little more time and even at the cost of efficiency I guess; for long term and somewhat intangible benefits of course.

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