Sunday, January 20, 2008

Extra Ingredient...

Was eating dinner with Johnny, SK, WJ and HF in Eusoff Dining Hall this evening when SK found a cooked caterpillar in her plate amongst one of the vegetable dish! The poor girl he lost her appetite immediately after seeing the dead creature and HF immediately stop 'touching' her veggies as well.

It is about 2cm long dead, which meant that it must have been bigger before it was cooked. I hope the cooks in dining hall wash the veggies properly before cooking them, or maybe, they should start washing them from tomorrow onwards!

Dining hall now has one dish less and the portion of meat is really little. So maybe that is the reason why our IHG sportsman and women have not been winning as much medals as compared to last year...

Anyway, I am not going to reveal which veggie dish is the one that is 'contaminated'... because some things are better to be left unknown. =D


tan-ce said...

wow... extra protein...

Huan Jin said...

haha... i still prefer protein pills...

Huan Jin said...

haha i have been reading ur blog often incase you don't know. =)