Sunday, July 6, 2008


I have heard many people claimed that they are stressed. But sometimes I just don't understand why. Even now when I am trying my best to slack, I am pretty sure that I have more things on my hands and mind then they have.

During my stay in hall, some people seemed to be so stressed over school stuff and sometimes I wonder, if school stuff is already so stressful, how are these people going to face the realities of life?

Sometimes, I feel that the main cause of stress is the lack of personal competence. Lack of proper time management, lack of the required skills to get work done, lack of EQ to handle stress, lack of understanding of own abilities by taking up more then what you can handle and lack of judgment (spending extra effort to fix mistakes you made) are usually cause of stress in most people.

Raymond asked me a couple of months ago about how to identify good and capable people. I gave him a somewhat generic answer, but maybe this time I can let him know for sure how to find one. I feel that people who always appears to be stressed and overworked generally lacked personal competence, and the really capable people are usually very composed and at times appears unaffected by their work or responsibilities, or worse enjoy the feeling of stress.

However, most people are still disillusioned by those people who always seemed to be busy and under a lot of stress all the time as being capable and competence. Well, that's good, because it certainly helps me to keep competition off the right fishes in my 'head-hunting' business. =)

So next time if anyone ask me how to reduce work-related stress, my answer would be to advice them to improve their personal competence.